Binder Privacy Policy

1. Policy Statement

In the delivery of the Binder Services or through the running of Binder Platorm and Binder Tools (Application) some information and User Data may be stored, accessed or collected.

Our Privacy Policy sets out the policies and procedures for the collecting, using, and disclosing of any User Data. 

The access by a User to the Binder Services implies consent and permission for the collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure and use of User Data but only under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

"User Data" means the information about or relating to any User, information relating to the use of the Binder Services by a User, the content of all documents and media in any form or format, all information, data, code, files or folders that may be accessed, stored, sent, received, edited, synchronised, shared, or in any way managed by or through the Binder Services however accessed and may include:

User Data may only be used to: 

•       provide and improve the BinderServices and Binder Application, 

•       administer the User’s use of the Binder Service, 

•       develop and enhance Userexperience, 

•       be able to analyse the use and User requirements of the Binder Services,  deliver Binder Application updates and enhancement, and, announce additional services or products.

All communications will provide an “unsubscribe” option to any User if they do not want to receive further similar contact.

2. Personal Information

Personal information has to be provided when a User opens an account – name, phone number, credit card or other billing information, email address and home and business postal addresses. 

A User may also provide access to their social networking service account if they access Binder by a referral/contact through that medium, provide us access to third party services (e.g. an email account) or their contacts’ email addresses when sharing folders or files with them. We may also receive Personal Information through other Binder Users in the normal course of use by them of Binder Services. 

3. Files

In using Binder Services a User uploads, downloads, or accesses multiple files containing documents and other media. If a file which has been previously uploaded is to be stored by another Binder user, Binder may elect not to store a duplicate and instead associate that file (or any part of it) with the User account. 


4. Log Data

When using the Service, we automatically record information from the User’s Device, its software, and User activity using the Services. This may include the Device’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, the web page visited before our website, information searched for on our website, locale preferences, identification numbers associated with User Devices, mobile carrier, date and time stamps associated with transactions, system configuration information, metadata concerning files, and other interactions with the Service.

5. Cookies

We may also use “cookies” to collect information and improve our Services and improve User functionality. A cookie is a small data file which we transfer to User Devices. We may use “persistent cookies” to save registration ID and login password for future logins to the Service. We may use “session ID cookies” to enable certain features of the Service, to understand User interaction with the Service and to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing on the Service. Users can instruct their browser by changing their options to stop accepting cookies or to prompt the User before accepting a cookie from the websites visited. If Users do not accept cookies, however, they may not be able to use all aspects of the Service or have some User functionality restricted. 

6. Geo-Location Information

While some devices allow applications to access real-time location-based information the Binder mobile (and web) apps will not collect this information. 

7. Photos and Videos

Binder will not access, view or use in any way any images or any recorded information which may be contained in any photos or videos stored through the Binder Services. 

8. Analytics

We also collect some information (ourselves or using third party services) using logging and cookies, such as IP address, which can sometimes be correlated with Personal Information. We use this information to monitor and analyse use of the Service, for the Service’s technical administration, to increase our Service’s functionality and user-friendliness, and to verify that Users have the authorization needed for the Service to process their requests. As of the date of publication of this policy, we use Google Analytics.

To learn more about the privacy policy of Google Analytics, go to:


To learn how to opt out of that service, go to:



Breach of Privacy

If Binder becomes aware of any disclosure, accidental or otherwise, of User Data (Data Breach) during or due to the collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure and use of User Data by Binder, it will, within 7 days (or earlier if reasonably possible), advise the affected User or Users of such Data Breach, the known extent of such breach and the actions taken by Binder to protect User Data as a result of such breach.

While Binder may take reasonable steps, including encryption both in delivery and at rest, to protect the safety of User Data, Binder will not be liable in any way for any damages, direct or indirect, arising or in any way related or attributable to Data Breach.

By using the Binder application the User waives any rights against Binder in respect, or arising out of, any Data Breach.

Disclosure of Information

Binder may disclose any User Data including files stored by a Binder Service if there is a reasonable belief that disclosure is necessary to comply with a law, regulation or compulsory legal request in order to:

1. protect the safety of any person from death or serious bodily injury;  2. prevent fraud or abuse of an Binder service or an Binder User; or,   3. protect Binder’s property rights. 

In the event that Binder discloses any information as above it will take reasonable steps, but is not in any way obliged or bound, to provide notice of its intention to disclose such information to enable the User to consider what (if any) action they wish to take in relation to such intended disclosure. v1.0

For more information, contact us here.